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A Backtracking Solver with Constraint Propagation

Utility Functions

The module extractVariables implements the function $\texttt{extractVars}(e)$ that takes a Python expression $e$ as its argument and returns the set of all variables and function names occurring in $e$.

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import extractVariables as ev

The function collect_variables(expr) takes a string expr that can be interpreted as a Python expression as input and collects all variables occurring in expr. It takes care to eliminate the function symbols from the names returned by extract_variables.

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def collect_variables(expr):
    return frozenset(var for var in ev.extractVars(expr)
                         if  var not in dir(__builtins__)

The function arb(S) takes a set S as input and returns an arbitrary element from this set.

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def arb(S):
    for x in S:
        return x

Backtracking is simulated by raising the Backtrack exception. We define this new class of exceptions so that we can distinguish Backtrack exceptions from ordinary exceptions. This is done by creating a new, empty class that is derived from the class Exception.

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class Backtrack(Exception):

Given a list of sets L, the function union(L) returns the set of all elements occurring in some set $S$ that is itself a member of the list L, i.e. we have $$ \texttt{union}(L) = \{ x \mid \exists S \in L : x \in L \}. $$

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def union(L):
    return { x for S in L
               for x in S

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union([ {1, 2}, {'a', 'b'}, {1, 'a'} ])

The Constraint Propagation Solver

The procedure $\texttt{solve}(\mathcal{P})$ takes a a constraint satisfaction problem $\mathcal{P}$ as input. Here $\mathcal{P}$ is a triple of the form $$ \mathcal{P} = \langle \mathtt{Variables}, \mathtt{Values}, \mathtt{Constraints} \rangle $$ where

  • $\mathtt{Variables}$ is a set of strings which serve as variables,
  • $\mathtt{Values}$ is a set of values that can be assigned to the variables in the set $\mathtt{Variables}$.
  • $\mathtt{Constraints}$ is a set of formulas from first order logic.
    Each of these formulas is called a constraint of $\mathcal{P}$.

The function solve converts the CSP $\mathcal{P}$ into an augmented CSP where every constraint $f$ is annotated with the variables occurring in $f$. The most important data structure maintained by solve is the dictionary ValuesPerVar. For every variable $x$ occurring in a constraint of P, the expression $\texttt{ValuesPerVar}(x)$ is the set of values that can be used to instantiate the variable $x$. Initially, $\texttt{ValuesPerVar}(x)$ is set to Values, but as the search for a solution proceeds, the sets $\texttt{ValuesPerVar}(x)$ are reduced by removing any values that cannot be part of a solution.

Next, it divides the constraints into two groups:

  • The unary constraints are those constraint that contain only a single variable.

    The unary constraints are immediately solved: If $f$ is a unary constraint containing only the variable $x$, the set $\texttt{ValuesPerVar}(x)$ is reduced to the set of those values $v$ such that $f[x\mapsto v]$ is true.

  • The remaining constraints contain at least two different variables.

After the unary constraints have been taken care of, backtrack_search is called to solve the remaining constraint satisfaction problem.

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def solve(P):
    Variables, Values, Constraints = P
    VarsInConstrs  = union([ collect_variables(f) for f in Constraints ])
    MisspelledVars = (VarsInConstrs - Variables) | (Variables - VarsInConstrs)
    if len(MisspelledVars) > 0:
        print("Did you misspell any of the following Variables?")
        for v in MisspelledVars:
    Annotated    = { (f, collect_variables(f)) for f in Constraints }
    ValuesPerVar = { v: Values for v in Variables }
    UnaryConstrs = { (f, V) for f, V in Annotated
                            if  len(V) == 1
    OtherConstrs = { (f, V) for f, V in Annotated
                            if  len(V) >= 2
        for f, V in UnaryConstrs:
            var = arb(V)
            ValuesPerVar[var] = solve_unary(f, var, ValuesPerVar[var])
        return backtrack_search({}, ValuesPerVar, OtherConstrs)
    except Backtrack:
        return None

The function solve_unary takes a unary constraint f, a variable x and the set of values Values that can be assigned to x. It returns the subset of those values v that can be substituted for x such that $f[x\mapsto v]$ evaluates as True.

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def solve_unary(f, x, Values):
    Legal = { value for value in Values 
                    if  eval(f, { x: value })
    if len(Legal) == 0:
        raise Backtrack()
    return Legal

The function backtrack_search takes three arguments:

  • Assignment is a partial variable assignment that is represented as a dictionary. Initially, this assignment will be the empty dictionary.
    Every recursive call of backtrack_search adds the assignment of one variable to the given assignment.
  • ValuesPerVar is a dictionary. For every variable x, ValuesPerVar[x] is the set of values that still might be assigned to x.
  • Constraints is a set of pairs of the form (F, V) where F is a constraint and V is the set of variables occurring in V.

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def backtrack_search(Assignment, ValuesPerVar, Constraints):
    if len(Assignment) == len(ValuesPerVar):
        return Assignment
    x = most_constrained_variable(Assignment, ValuesPerVar)
    for v in ValuesPerVar[x]:
            if is_consistent(x, v, Assignment, Constraints):
                NewValues = propagate(x, v, Assignment, Constraints, ValuesPerVar)
                NewAssign = Assignment.copy()
                NewAssign[x] = v
                return backtrack_search(NewAssign, NewValues, Constraints)
        except Backtrack:
    raise Backtrack()

The function most_constrained_variable takes two parameters:

  • Assigment is a partial variable assignment that assigns values to variables. It is represented as a dictionary.
  • ValuesPerVar is a dictionary that has variables as keys. For every variable x, ValuesPerVar[x] is the set of values that be assigned to the variable x. The function returns an unassigned variable x such that the number of values in ValuesPerVar[x] is minimal among all other unassigned variables.

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def most_constrained_variable(Assignment, ValuesPerVar):
    Unassigned = { (x, len(U)) for x, U in ValuesPerVar.items()
                               if  x not in Assignment
    minSize = min(lenU for x, lenU in Unassigned)
    for x, lenU in Unassigned:
        if lenU == minSize:
            return x

The function propagate takes five arguments:

  • x is a variable,
  • v is a value that is supposed to be assigned to x.
  • Assignment is a partial assignment that contains assignments for variables that are different from x.
  • Constraints is a set of annotated constraints.
  • ValuesPerVar is a dictionary assigning sets of values to all variables. For every unassigned variable z, ValuesPerVar[z] is the set of values that still might be assigned to z.

The purpose of the function propagate is to compute how the sets ValuesPerVar[z] can be shrunk when the value v is assigned to the variable x. The dictionary ValuesPerVar with appropriately reduced sets ValuesPerVar[z] is returned.

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def propagate(x, v, Assignment, Constraints, ValuesPerVar):
    ValuesDict = ValuesPerVar.copy()
    ValuesDict[x] = { v }
    BoundVars = set(Assignment.keys())
    for F, Vars in Constraints:
        if x in Vars:
            UnboundVars = Vars - BoundVars - { x }
            if len(UnboundVars) == 1:
                y = arb(UnboundVars)
                Legal = set()
                for w in ValuesDict[y]:
                    NewAssign = Assignment.copy()
                    NewAssign[x] = v
                    NewAssign[y] = w
                    if eval(F, NewAssign):
                if len(Legal) == 0:
                    raise Backtrack()
                ValuesDict[y] = Legal
    return ValuesDict

The function $\texttt{is_consistent}(\texttt{var}, \texttt{value}, \texttt{Assignment}, \texttt{csp})$ takes four arguments:

  1. $\texttt{var}$ is a variable that does not occur in $\texttt{Assignment}$,
  2. $\texttt{value}$ is a value that can be substituted for this variable,
  3. $\texttt{Assignment}$ is a consistent partial variable assignment. A partial variable assignment $A$ is consistent if all constraints $f$ that contain only variables from the set $\mathtt{dom}(A)$ are satisfied.
  4. $\texttt{csp}$ is an augmented constraint satisfaction problem.
This function returns True iff the partial variable assignment $$\texttt{Assignment} \cup \{\langle\texttt{var} \mapsto\texttt{value}\rangle\}$$ is consistent with all the constraints occurring in $\texttt{csp}$.

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def is_consistent(var, value, Assignment, Constraints):
    NewAssign      = Assignment.copy()
    NewAssign[var] = value
    return all(eval(f, NewAssign) for (f, Vs) in Constraints
                                  if  var in Vs and Vs <= NewAssign.keys()

Solving the Eight-Queens-Puzzle

In [ ]:
%run N-Queens-Problem-CSP.ipynb

In [ ]:
P = create_csp(8)

Constraint Propagation takes about 11 milliseconds on my desktop to solve the eight queens puzzle.

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Solution = solve(P)
print(f'Solution = {Solution}')

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Solving the Zebra Puzzle

In [ ]:
%run Zebra.ipynb

In [ ]:
zebra = zebra_csp()

Constraint propagation takes about 17 milliseconds to solve the Zebra Puzzle.

In [ ]:
Solution = solve(zebra)

In [ ]:

Solving a Sudoku Puzzle

In [ ]:
%run Sudoku.ipynb

In [ ]:
csp = sudoku_csp(Sudoku)

Constraint propagation takes about 80 milliseconds to solve the given sudoku.

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Solution = solve(csp)

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Solving the Crypto-Arithmetic Puzzle

In [ ]:
%run Crypto-Arithmetic.ipynb

In [ ]:
csp = crypto_csp()

Constraint propagation takes about 7 seconds to solve the crypto-arithmetic puzzle.

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Solution = solve(csp)

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